Welcome To The 2025
Absolutely Beautiful Country Ride
Sunday, July 13, 2025

The Starting Location Again This Year Is The Beautiful...

2637 S. Cleveland-Massillon Rd. Barberton, OH
Register NOW at: 
On July 13, 2025, The Akron Bicycle Club is hosting the 51st edition of the Absolutely Beautiful Country Ride!!
- The ABC Ride registration and start will be at the Winery at Wolf Creek in Barberton, OH, located at 2637 S. Cleveland-Massilon Road (about 3 miles south of Copley High School).
- The ABC Ride showcases the rolling hills and quaint villages of Summit, Medina and Wayne Counties. The routes of 25, 50, 62 and 100 miles provide scenic and challenging routes for families, as well as experienced cyclists.
- Full rest stops and SAG (Support And Gear) on all routes. 100 mile route includes a light lunch in Wooster.
- All riders are encouraged to stop back at The Winery At Wolf Creek after the ride, to hang out in the banquet room, tasting room or the beautiful shaded areas to take in the scenery, sample some beer & wines, and of course, enjoy the delicious complementary catered lunch supplied by Old Carolina Barbeque Co. from 11 am to 3 pm.
In addition to a complimentary lunch after the ride, ABC riders will receive a FREE 2025 ABC Ride T-shirt (pictured below; Color may vary) with their registration (quantity and sizes may be limited if registering after 6/23 or on-site).

A NEW 2025 ABC Ride Jersey/Kit by Voler (image below) is available by going to our Voler Storefront Page. Jersey is Just $75. Just click on the Jersey or "Voler Link" below for Info and Ordering:

- Akron Bicycle Club MEMBERS should log in to www.AkronBike.org and click on "ABC RIDE 2025" Tab for a $10 discount code to use on all routes while registering on BikeReg.
You can join ABC now at: Join ABC NOW
- On Line Registration is available until Noon, July 12th at:

- On-Site Registration is available day of the event from 6:30 am - 9:00 am,
- ABC Ride registration is open to ABC Members and general public. ABC Members can receive a discount code by logging in to www.AkronBike.org and clicking on the "ABC Ride 2025" Tab for discount code.
- ABC Ride registration rates are tiered pricing to offer lower pricing for early registrations.
- All courses CLOSE at 3:30 PM
100 Mile Century Route
62 Mile Metric Route
50 Mile Route
25 Mile Route
Start Times:
- 7:00 am - 100 Mile riders - Should be registered and on the road by the 7:00 am start to ensure a return before the end of lunch at 3:00 pm
- 8:00 am - 62 and 50 Mile riders - Should be registered and on the road by the 8:00 am start
- 9:00 am - All 25 Mile riders - Should register and start at 9:00 am. A 12.5 mph pace will get you back to the winery for the start of lunch at 11:00 am.
Ride Prices - Non-Member / Member
Early Bird (Before May 31) |
May 31 - July 11 |
On Site Price - Day Of |
Route |
Non-Member / Member |
Non-Member / Member |
Non-Member / Member |
25 Mile |
$40 / $30 |
$45 / $35 |
$55 / $45 |
50 Mile |
$50 / $40 |
$55 / $45 |
$65 / $55 |
62 Mile |
$50/ $40 |
$55 / $45 |
$65 / $55 |
100 Mile |
$50 / $40 |
$55 / $45 |
$65 / $55 |
Click BikeReg Below To Register!!!