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HomeABC Benefit Page




iCan Bike Camp


Proceeds of the ABC RIde will benefit the I CAN BIKE CAMP organizes for the week of JUly 13 at Copley High School by the  the Autism Society of Greater Akron. Special needs children including children from the autism spectrum, Downs Syndrome and any other special needs child from the Greater Akron area will learn that they too can bike and learn from specialists and eager volunteers how to ride safely and with confidence.

iCan Bike Camp is July 14-18, 2014 with a Parent/Volunteer Orientation on Sunday July 13th 

at the Copley High School Auxiliary Gym

About the Program

Camp accepts 35 riders with 5 sessions to choose from.  Riders choose the same 75-minute session each day.  They start indoors on adaptive equipment while volunteers serve as spotters – walking/jogging beside them to provide emotional and motivational support.  We try to pair the same volunteers with riders each day; however, it is not always possible.  Then they transfer to a 2-wheel bike with a handle on the back to continue to teach balance with the goal being to transition outside to their own bicycle.

Benefits for Participants


  • Method of Transportation
  • Encourages Confidence and Independence
  • Supports Peer Inclusion
  • Promotes Healthy Living through Exercise


70 Volunteers Needed

This volunteer opportunity is great for High School and College Students that have some time on their hands and need community service.  One volunteer last year used her experience to complete scholarship and college applications.

Volunteers serve as spotters that walk/jog/run alongside campers as they learn to ride a bike during a 75-minute session (with short breaks) for 5 days Monday through Friday.  We ask that volunteers try to commit to the same session every day of camp to maintain a routine for the rider and so each can experience success.  Spotters provide encouragement and physical support, as needed.

Volunteers must be 16 years of age and attend the Volunteer Orientation on Sunday, July 13th.

What Parents Say About the iCan Bike Program

My son is finally getting exercise and a sense of independence.  He now rides down the street to friends' houses to see if they want to ride with him. 

David is riding regularly and my husband has resurrected his bike after 20 years and the guys will ride together.

We as his parents just were in amazement watching his progression during the week.

John is doing super riding on his own. One of his life goals met!! 

My daughter finally learned how to ride a bike at age 21. What a confidence booster!

What Volunteers Say About the iCan Bike Camp

I am so excited that my kids were able to work at your camp, they loved it!!!  All of the boys really felt special to be able to help!! 


My student wants to be a physical education teacher someday.  She learned so much about working with children with disabilities and giving them opportunities to feel successful and proud - much more than I could ever have taught her in the classroom. 

I volunteered with my two boys and after the first day, both boys not only said that they were looking forward to the next four days of camp, but they wanted to do this again next year.  They said it made them feel good to help the campers learn how to ride bikes, seeing smiles on all the rider’s faces while they made progress.

What You Can Do:

Raise money to sponsor campers

Volunteer or recruit volunteers


Akron Bicycle Club P.O. Box 2268 Stow, OH  44224
Come Ride with Us smap